The training ground for your professional and personal best
Life design for maximum personal and social purpose
Welcome to your Heroine's/Hero's Journey
Whether you’re facing a crisis or heading to new and unknown heights, we’re here to share the experience of hundreds of companies and offer creative solutions.
I'm Your Taller, Younger-Looking Yoda
You have the opportunity to be the Heroine/Hero of your story. Let me be your guide to help you live into the life you were designed for.

“Dear Hans,
Thank you so very much for your powerful session on breathwork today. Your personal story was touching and illustrated how your career and life’s work has shaped.
While acknowledging there’s much more behind everything you taught us today, you made the whole process approachable and easy to understand and follow. I am so motivated to incorporate these exercises into my life and can imagine other participants are inspired as well. I’d be happy to pass on the information to other participants whenever you have a moment to send it to me.
Again, thank you so much for sharing your expertise and empowering us!”
Satomi Chudasama | Senior Associate Director for Student Engagement
Center for Career Development, Princeton University
What I Do
I help you to be at your best in the areas of energy, performance, and purpose.
I have more than 30 years' experience in coaching, consulting, and healing.
You’ll get the best mix of professional experience and creativity.